Things I finished reading in August 2021:
- Ahmed, Sara. What’s the Use?. Duke University Press, 2019.
- Bakker, Alex, et al. Others of My Kind: Transatlantic Transgender Histories. University of Calgary Press, 2020.
- Brown, Adrienne Maree. We Will Not Cancel Us: And Other Dreams of Transformative Justice. AK Press, 2020.
- Care Collective, The. The Care Manifesto: The Politics of Interdependence. Verso, 2020.
- Carver, Terrell, and Samuel A. Chambers, eds. Judith Butler’s precarious politics: Critical encounters. Routledge, 2008.
- Code, Lorraine. Rhetorical spaces: Essays on gendered locations. Routledge, 2013.
- Digeser, Peter. Political forgiveness. Cornell University Press, 2001.
- Ehn, Pelle, Elisabet M. Nilsson, and Richard Topgaard. Making futures: marginal notes on innovation, design, and democracy. The MIT Press, 2014.
- Escobar, Arturo. Pluriversal politics. Duke University Press, 2020.
- Flanigan, Beverly. Forgiving the unforgivable. Wiley, 1994.
- Gilson, Erinn. The ethics of vulnerability: A feminist analysis of social life and practice. Routledge, 2013.
- Majewska, Ewa. Feminist Antifascism: Counterpublics of the Common. Verso, 2021.
- McQueen, Paddy. Subjectivity, gender and the struggle for recognition. Springer, 2014.
- Spinosa, Charles, Fernando Flores, and Hubert L. Dreyfus. Disclosing new worlds: Entrepreneurship, democratic action, and the cultivation of solidarity. MIT press, 1997.
- Walker, Margaret Urban. Moral repair: Reconstructing moral relations after wrongdoing. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Papers and Chapters
- Ballestero, Andrea. “The ethics of a formula: Calculating a financial–humanitarian price for water.” American Ethnologist 42.2 (2015): 262-278.
- Benjamin, Jesse Josua, et al. “Machine Learning Uncertainty as a Design Material: A Post-Phenomenological Inquiry.” Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2021.
- Brown, Gavin, and Jenny Pickerill. “Space for emotion in the spaces of activism.” Emotion, space and society 2.1 (2009): 24-35.
- Comi, Alice, Suha Jaradat, and Jennifer Whyte. “Constructing shared professional vision in design work: The role of visual objects and their material mediation.” Design Studies 64 (2019): 90-123.
- Dean, Rikki John. “Counter-governance: Citizen participation beyond collaboration.” Politics and Governance 6.1 (2018): 180-188.
- van Dijk, Teun A. “Discourse, power and access.” In Texts and Practices: Readings in Critical Discourse Analysis (2013): 84.
- Dillon, Robin S. “Toward a feminist conception of self-respect.” Hypatia 7.1 (1992): 52-69.
- Dillon, Robin S. “Self-forgiveness and self-respect.” Ethics 112.1 (2001): 53-83.
- Frankenberry, Nancy. “Consenting to Contingency after Rorty and Nagarjuna.” The Review of Metaphysics 72.3 (2019): 563-586.
- Ganesh, Shiv, and Heather M. Zoller. “Dialogue, activism, and democratic social change.” Communication Theory 22.1 (2012): 66-91.
- Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie. “Misfits: A feminist materialist disability concept.” Hypatia 26.3 (2011): 591-609.
- Gibson, James L. “Political intolerance in the context of democratic theory.” The Oxford handbook of political science. 2011.
- Goldie, Peter. “One’s remembered past: Narrative thinking, emotion, and the external perspective.” Philosophical Papers 32.3 (2003): 301-319.
- Hall, Seventy F. “Panoptical Time, Cissexism, and Heterosexism: How Discourses of Adultism Discipline Queer and Trans Youth.” Feminist Formations 33.2 (2021): 283-312.
- Heinemann, Trine. “First came the egg: the positioning and shaping of competing design proposals.” ParticiPatory innovation conference. 2011.
- Henderson, Kathryn. “The political career of a prototype: Visual representation in design engineering.” Social Problems 42.2 (1995): 274-299.
- Hernandez, Kathy-Ann C. “Typology of Collaborative Autoethnography.” In Collaborative Autoethnography. Routledge, 2016. 37-54.
- Jacobsen, Benjamin N. “Algorithms and the narration of past selves.” Information, Communication & Society (2020): 1-16.
- Jasanoff, Sheila. “1.2. 4 Technologies of Humility: Citizen Participation in Governing Science.” Society, Ethics, and Technology (2013): 92.
- Jones, Karen, Francois Schroeter, and Laura Schroeter. “Mind-making, Affective Regulation, and Resistance.” Australasian Philosophical Review 3.1 (2019): 86-89.
- Kim, Ruthanne Crapo, Ann J. Cahill, and Melissa Jacquart. “Bearing the Brunt of Structural Inequality: Ontological Labor in the Academy.” Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 6.1 (2020).
- Koban, John E. “” Guard Your Tongue:” Lashon Hara and the Rhetoric of Chafetz Chaim.” Journal of Communication & Religion 40.2 (2017).
- Kreiss, Daniel. “The networked self in the age of identity fundamentalism.” In A networked self and platforms, stories, connections. Routledge, 2018. 12-28.
- Kreiss, Daniel. “The media are about identity, not information.” In Trump and the Media (2018): 93-100.
- Kuo, Wen-Hua. “Channeling Facts, Crouching Rumours: Taiwan’s Post-Truth Encounter with the Covid Pandemic.” Science, Technology and Society (2021): 09717218211032894.
- Lawrence, Thomas B., and Sally Maitlis. “Care and possibility: Enacting an ethic of care through narrative practice.” *Academy of Management Review *37.4 (2012): 641-663.
- Linabary, Jasmine R., and Danielle J. Corple. “Privacy for whom?: A feminist intervention in online research practice.” Information, Communication & Society 22.10 (2019): 1447-1463.
- Lowndes, Vivien, and Marie Paxton. “Can agonism be institutionalised? Can institutions be agonised? Prospects for democratic design.” The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 20.3 (2018): 693-710.
- Luna, Florencia. “Elucidating the concept of vulnerability: Layers not labels.” IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 2.1 (2009): 121-139.
- MacKenzie, Jordan. “Self-Deception as a Moral Failure.” The Philosophical Quarterly (2021).
- Maiese, Michelle. “Transformative learning, enactivism, and affectivity.” Studies in Philosophy and Education 36.2 (2017): 197-216.
- Matthews, Ben, et al. “How to do things with notes: The embodied socio-material performativity of sticky notes.” Design Studies 76 (2021): 101035.
- McGeer, Victoria, and Philip Pettit. “The hard problem of responsibility.” Oxford studies in agency and responsibility 3.1 (2015): 160-88.
- McGeer, Victoria. “Mind-making practices: The social infrastructure of self-knowing agency and responsibility.” Philosophical Explorations 18.2 (2015): 259-281.
- McGrath, Joseph E. “Time, interaction, and performance (TIP) A Theory of Groups.” Small group research 22.2 (1991): 147-174.
- Mills, Catherine. “Normative violence, vulnerability, and responsibility.” differences 18.2 (2007): 133-156.
- Mortensen, Kristian, and Christina Lundsgaard. “Preliminary notes on ‘grooming the object’: The example of an architectural presentation.” Partipatory Innovation Conference. 2011.
- Nguyen, C. Thi. “Echo chambers and epistemic bubbles.” Episteme 17.2 (2020): 141-161.
- Panagia, Davide. “On the possibilities of a political theory of algorithms.” Political Theory 49.1 (2021): 109-133.
- Park, Shelley. “The ‘Feminist Killjoy’ in the Room: The Costs of Caring about Diversity.” Florida Philosophical Review 14.1 (2014).
- Petrick, Elizabeth R. “A Historiography of Human–Computer Interaction.” IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 42.4 (2020): 8-23.
- Plantin, Jean-Christophe. “The data archive as factory: Alienation and resistance of data processors.” Big Data & Society 8.1 (2021): 20539517211007510.
- Plunkett, David. “Debate: Anger, Fitting Attitudes, and Srinivasan’s Category of “Affective Injustice”.” Journal of Political Philosophy 29.1 (2021): 117-131.
- Pohlhaus Jr, Gaile. “Epistemic Agency under Oppression.” Philosophical Papers 49.2 (2020): 233-251.
- Prasad, Amit. “Anti-science Misinformation and Conspiracies: COVID–19, Post-truth, and Science & Technology Studies (STS).” Science, Technology and Society (2021): 09717218211003413.
- Prasse-Freeman, Elliott. “Resistance/refusal: Politics of manoeuvre under diffuse regimes of governmentality.” Anthropological theory (2020): 1463499620940218.
- Randall, David, Mark Rouncefield, and Peter Tolmie. “Ethnography, CSCW and ethnomethodology.” Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 30.2 (2021): 189-214.
- Richardson, Liz, Catherine Durose, and Beth Perry. “Three tyrannies of participatory governance.” Journal of Chinese Governance 4.2 (2019): 123-143.
- Roberts, John. “No one is perfect: The limits of transparency and an ethic for ‘intelligent’accountability.” Accounting, Organizations and Society 34.8 (2009): 957-970.
- Hopman, Roos. “The face as folded object: Race and the problems with ‘progress’ in forensic DNA phenotyping.” Social Studies of Science (2021): 03063127211035562.
- Roth, Wolff-Michael. “Radical uncertainty in scientific discovery work.” Science, Technology, & Human Values 34.3 (2009): 313-336.
- Schildt, Henri, Saku Mantere, and Joep Cornelissen. “Power in sensemaking processes.” Organization Studies 41.2 (2020): 241-265.
- Seaver, Nick. “CARE AND SCALE: Decorrelative Ethics in Algorithmic Recommendation.” Cultural Anthropology 36.3 (2021): 509-537.
- Sebring, JCH. Towards a sociological understanding of medical gaslighting in western health care. Sociology of Health and Illness. 2021 Aug 25. doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.13367. PMID: 34432297.
- Simons, Arno, and Jan-Peter Voß. “The concept of instrument constituencies: Accounting for dynamics and practices of knowing governance.” Policy and Society 37.1 (2018): 14-35.
- Smith, Kenwyn K., and David N. Berg. “A paradoxical conception of group dynamics.” Human Relations 40.10 (1987): 633-657.
- Stewart, Ellen. “Fugitive coproduction: Conceptualising informal community practices in Scotland’s hospitals.” Social Policy & Administration (2021).
- Strathern, Marilyn. “The tyranny of transparency.” British Educational Research Journal 26.3 (2000): 309-321.
- Tuck, Eve, and K. Wayne Yang. “Unbecoming claims: Pedagogies of refusal in qualitative research.” Qualitative Inquiry 20.6 (2014): 811-818.
- Voß, Jan-Peter, Jannik Schritt, and Volkan Sayman. “Politics at a distance: Infrastructuring knowledge flows for democratic innovation.” Social Studies of Science (2021): 03063127211033990.
- Vogler, Gisli. “Enriching Responsiveness to Complicity through a Disposition towards World-in-Formation.” Arendt Studies 4 (2020): 83-105.
- DeVolder, Beth. “Overcoming the overcoming story: A case of “compulsory heroism”.” Feminist Media Studies 13.4 (2013): 746-754.
- Vriens, Dirk, Ed Vosselman, and Claudia Groß. “Public professional accountability: a conditional approach.” Journal of Business Ethics 153.4 (2018): 1179-1196.
- Wohlrab, Rebekka, et al. “Boundary objects and their use in agile systems engineering.” Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 31.5 (2019): e2166.
- Wynn, Lisa L., and Mark Israel. “The fetishes of consent: Signatures, paper, and writing in research ethics review.” American Anthropologist 120.4 (2018): 795-806.
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- Zhang, Baobao, et al. “Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence: Evidence from a Survey of Machine Learning Researchers.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.02117 (2021).
- Zigon, Jarrett. “Within a range of possibilities: morality and ethics in social life.” Ethnos 74.2 (2009): 251-276.