Things I finished reading in June 2023:
Books and dissertations
- Egdahl, Richard H., and Paul M. Gertman. (Eds.) Technology and the quality of health care. Aspen Publications, 1978.
- Epstein, Julia. Altered conditions: Disease, medicine, and storytelling. Routledge, 1995.
- Harbin, Ami. Disorientation and moral life. Oxford University Press, 2016.
- Harcourt, Bernard E. Cooperation: A Political, Economic, and Social Theory. Columbia University Press, 2023.
- Hausman, Daniel M. Valuing health: Well-being, freedom, and suffering. Oxford University Press, 2015.
- Heyes, Cressida J. Anaesthetics of existence: Essays on experience at the edge. Duke University Press, 2020.
- Jacobson, Peter D. Strangers in the night: Law and medicine in the managed care era. Oxford University Press, 2002.
- Kellogg, Katherine C. Challenging operations: Medical reform and resistance in surgery. University of Chicago Press, 2011.
- Konnelly, Lex. “The Right Story”: Discursive Strategies in Gender-Affirming Healthcare Access. Diss. 2023.
- Paul, Laurie Ann. Transformative experience. Oxford University Press, 2014.
- Saketopoulou, Avgi and Ann Pellegrini. Gender Without Identity, The Unconscious in Translation, 2023.
- Troyer, John. Technologies of the human corpse. MIT Press, 2020.
Papers and Chapters
- Ajmani, Leah Hope, et al. “A Systematic Review of Ethics Disclosures in Predictive Mental Health Research.” Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency. 2023.
- Barabas, Chelsea. “Care as (re) capture: Data colonialism and race during times of crisis.” New Media & Society (2023): 14614448231165902.
- Gosfield, Alice G. “Medical Necessity in Medicare and Medicaid: The Implications of Professional Standards Review Organizations.” Temple Law Quarterly 51 (1978): 229.
- Hall, Mark A., and Gerard F. Anderson. “Health insurers’ assessment of medical necessity.” University of Pennsylvania Law Review 140 (1991): 1637.
- Monahan, Amy B., and Daniel Schwarcz. “Rules of Medical Necessity.” Iowa Law Review. 107 (2021): 423.
- Morreim, E. Haavi. “Cost containment and the standard of medical care.” California Law Review 75 (1987): 1719.
- Ricaurte, Paola. “Ethics for the majority world: AI and the question of violence at scale.” Media, Culture & Society 44.4 (2022): 726-745.
- Risse, Guenter B., and John Harley Warner. “Reconstructing clinical activities: patient records in medical history.” Social history of medicine 5.2 (1992): 183-205.
- Seymour, William, et al. “Respect as a Lens for the Design of AI Systems.” Proceedings of the 2022 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society. 2022.
- Wehrens, Rik, et al. “Ethics as discursive work: the role of ethical framing in the promissory future of data-driven healthcare technologies.” Science, Technology, & Human Values (2021): 01622439211053661.