Stuff I've been reading (May 2024)

By Os Keyes

Things I finished reading in May 2024:

Books and dissertations

  • Butler, Judith. Who’s Afraid of Gender?. Knopf Canada, 2024.
  • Haritaworn, Jinthana, Adi Kuntsman, and Silvia Posocco, eds. Queer necropolitics. London: Routledge, 2014.
  • Kunzel, Regina. In the Shadow of Diagnosis: Psychiatric Power and Queer Life. University of Chicago Press, 2024.
  • Littlewood, Roland, ed. On knowing and not knowing in the anthropology of medicine. Left Coast Press, 2007.
  • Wiggert, Kevin. The role of scenarios in scripting (the use of) medical technology. Dissertation, TU Berlin, 2021.

Papers and Chapters

  • Churcher, Millicent Sarah. “Sexual Fluency: Embedded Imaginaries and Unjust Sex.” Hypatia 39.1 (2024): 118-136.
  • Cull, Matthew J. “Trans Epistemology and Methodological Radicalism: Un Œuf, But Enough.” Hypatia (2024): 1-17.
  • Delacroix, Sylvie, and Neil D. Lawrence. “Bottom-up data trusts: Disturbing the ‘one size fits all’approach to data governance.” International data privacy law 9.4 (2019): 236-252.
  • Gair, Susan. “Feeling their stories: Contemplating empathy, insider/outsider positionings, and enriching qualitative research.” Qualitative health research 22.1 (2012): 134-143.
  • Hyysalo, Sampsa, Neil Pollock, and Robin Williams. “Method matters in the social study of technology: Investigating the biographies of artifacts and practices.” Science & Technology Studies 32.3 (2019): 2-25.
  • Martino, Wayne, and Kenan Omercajic. “A trans pedagogy of refusal: Interrogating cisgenderism, the limits of antinormativity and trans necropolitics.” Pedagogy, Culture & Society 29.5 (2021): 679-694.
  • Snorton, C. Riley, and Jin Haritaworn. “Trans necropolitics: A transnational reflection on violence, death, and the trans of color afterlife.” The transgender studies reader remix. Routledge, 2022. 305-316.
  • Westbrook, Laurel. “The matrix of violence: Intersectionality and necropolitics in the murder of transgender people in the United States, 1990–2019.” Gender & Society 37.3 (2023): 413-446.
  • Wolbring, Gregor, and Aspen Lillywhite. “Equity/equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in universities: the case of disabled people.” Societies 11.2 (2021): 49.