Papers ahoy!

By Os Keyes

Three (!) new papers out! They are:

  1. With the delightful and wondrous Cami Rincon and Corinne Cath, a piece on what trans people do (and do not) want with “queer AI” (spoiler: it’s not “amazon can have all my data but make it gender-neutral”)
  2. With Zoe Hitzig and Mwenza Blell, a piece on how the risk of AI around identity and science is not “it’ll create new identity horrors” but instead that the mythos of AI-as-smarter-than-us will allow scientists to reinforce the same old ideas about the immutable nature of sexuality, disability and race.
  3. With Chandler May and Annabelle Carrell, some multiplicity and nuance for how HCI talks about gender.

That’s it for now (although a fourth is just around the corner. 2021: the year things become un-stuck.)