
My research interests are kind of all-over-the-place. Historically, my work has spanned everything from user participation in peer production systems, to the politics of algorithmic systems, to the politics of ethical theories and frameworks applied to those systems. I can be found on ORCID and Google Scholar.

Previous publications include:

Full-length papers

Book Chapters

  • Keyes, Os and Cross, Katherine A. (2025) “Data Violence”. In Tommaso Venturini, Amelia Acker, Jean-Christophe Plantin, and Tone Walford (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Data and Society*. Sage.

  • Keyes, Os. (2023) “Inconclusion: Absent Presences”. In Michael Klipphahn-Karge, Ann-Kathrin Koster, and Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss (Eds.), Queer Reflections on AI: Uncertain Intelligences. Routledge.

  • Cath, Corinne and Keyes, Os. (2022). “Your Thoughts for a Penny?”. In Thao Phan, Jake Goldenfein, Declan Kuch, and Monique Mann (Eds.), Economies of Virtue – The Circulation of ‘Ethics’ in AI. Institute of Network Cultures.
  • Keyes, Os. (2021). “Justice, Change and Technology: On the Limits of Whistleblowing”. In Bazzichelli, T. (Ed.), Whistleblowing for Change: Exposing Systems of Power and Injustice. Transcript Verlag.
  • Keyes, Os. “Who Counts? Contact Tracing and the Perils of ‘Privacy’”. In Linnet Taylor, Gargi Sharma, Aaron Martin and Shazade Jameson, eds. Global Data Justice and COVID-19 (2020). London: Meatspace Press
  • Keyes, Os. “(mis)gendering”. In Uncertain Archives. The MIT Press, 2021.

Extended Abstracts & Workshops

Essays & Media