Stuff I've been reading (September 2020)

By Os Keyes

Things I finished reading in September 2020:


  • Babbitt, Susan E. Artless integrity: Moral imagination, agency, and stories. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2002.
  • Diprose, Rosalyn, and Jack Reynolds. Merleau-Ponty: key concepts. Routledge, 2014.
  • Jovchelovitch, Sandra. Knowledge in context: Representations, community and culture. Routledge, 2019.
  • May, Vivian M. Pursuing intersectionality, unsettling dominant imaginaries. Routledge, 2015.
  • Plummer, Ken. Cosmopolitan sexualities: Hope and the humanist imagination. John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
  • Porter, Theodore M. Trust in numbers: The pursuit of objectivity in science and public life. Princeton University Press, 1996.
  • Richardson, Diane, Janice McLaughlin, and Mark E. Casey, eds. Intersections between feminist and queer theory. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
  • Smith, Dorothy E. The everyday world as problematic: A feminist sociology. University of Toronto Press, 1987.
  • Southgate, Beverley. Postmodernism in history: fear or freedom?. Routledge, 2003.
  • Staiger, Janet, Ann Cvetkovich, and Ann Reynolds, eds. Political emotions. Routledge, 2010.

Papers and Chapters

  • Alexander-Floyd, Nikol G. “Disappearing acts: Reclaiming intersectionality in the social sciences in a post—black feminist era.” Feminist Formations (2012): 1-25.
  • Balogun, Julia, et al. “Placing strategy discourse in context: Sociomateriality, sensemaking, and power.” Journal of Management Studies 51.2 (2014): 175-201.
  • Bauer, Greta R. “Incorporating intersectionality theory into population health research methodology: challenges and the potential to advance health equity.” Social science & medicine 110 (2014): 10-17.
  • Bilge, Sirma. “Intersectionality undone: Saving intersectionality from feminist intersectionality studies.” Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race 10.2 (2013): 405-424.
  • Burtscher, Sabrina, and Katta Spiel. “” But where would I even start?” developing (gender) sensitivity in HCI research and practice.” Proceedings of the Conference on Mensch und Computer. 2020.
  • Carbado, Devon W., et al. “Intersectionality: Mapping the movements of a theory.” Du Bois review: social science research on race 10.2 (2013): 303-312.
  • Coogan-Gehr, Kelly. “The politics of race in US feminist scholarship: An archaeology.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 37.1 (2011): 83-107.
  • Fuster, Gloria González, Rocco Bellanova, and Raphaël Gellert. “Nurturing ob-scene politics: Surveillance practices between in/visibilities and disappearances.” Surveillance & society 13.3/4 (2015): 512-527.
  • Hardy, Cynthia, and Robyn Thomas. “Strategy, discourse and practice: The intensification of power.” Journal of Management Studies 51.2 (2014): 320-348.
  • Ilmonen, Kaisa. “Feminist storytelling and narratives of intersectionality.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 45.2 (2020): 347-371.
  • Jordan-Zachery, Julia S. “Am I a black woman or a woman who is black? A few thoughts on the meaning of intersectionality.” Politics & Gender 3.2 (2007): 254.
  • Jornet, Alfredo, and Rolf Steier. “The matter of space: Bodily performances and the emergence of boundary objects during multidisciplinary design meetings.” Mind, Culture, and Activity 22.2 (2015): 129-151.
  • Kerner, Ina. “Relations of difference: Power and inequality in intersectional and postcolonial feminist theories.” Current Sociology 65.6 (2017): 846-866.
  • Kwon, Winston, Ian Clarke, and Ruth Wodak. “Micro‐level discursive strategies for constructing shared views around strategic issues in team meetings.” Journal of management studies 51.2 (2014): 265-290.
  • Li, Tania Murray. “Images of community: discourse and strategy in property relations.” Development and change 27.3 (1996): 501-527.
  • Matthews, Mark, Geri Gay, and Gavin Doherty. “Taking part: role-play in the design of therapeutic systems.” Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems. 2014.
  • Munteanu, Cosmin, et al. “Situational ethics: Re-thinking approaches to formal ethics requirements for human-computer interaction.” Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2015.
  • Nicolazzo, Z. “‘It’sa hard line to walk’: black non-binary trans* collegians’ perspectives on passing, realness, and trans*-normativity.” International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 29.9 (2016): 1173-1188.
  • Ortega, Mariana. “Being lovingly, knowingly ignorant: White feminism and women of color.” Hypatia 21.3 (2006): 56-74.
  • Rankin, Yolanda A., Jakita O. Thomas, and Nicole M. Joseph. “Intersectionality in HCI: lost in translation.” Interactions 27.5 (2020): 68-71.
  • Salem, Sara. “Intersectionality and its discontents: Intersectionality as traveling theory.” European Journal of Women’s Studies 25.4 (2018): 403-418.
  • Tuana, Nancy. “The speculum of ignorance: The women’s health movement and epistemologies of ignorance.” Hypatia 21.3 (2006): 1-19.
  • Tyler, Katharine. “Genetic ancestry testing, whiteness and the limits of anti-racism.” New Genetics and Society (2020): 1-20.