Things I finished reading in August 2023:
Books and dissertations
- Dame-Griff, Avery. The Two Revolutions: A History of the Transgender Internet. NYU Press, 2023.
- Josephson, Tristan. On Transits and Transitions: Trans Migrants and US Immigration Law. Rutgers University Press, 2022.
- Lakoff, Andrew. Unprepared: global health in a time of emergency. University of California Press, 2017.
- Li, Alison. Wondrous Transformations: Harry Benjamin, a Maverick Physician at the Birth of the Transgender Revolution. Beacon Press, 2019.
Papers and Chapters
- Boltanski, Luc, and Laurent Thévenot. “The sociology of critical capacity.” European journal of social theory 2.3 (1999): 359-377.
- Collins, Harry, Robert Evans, and Mike Gorman. “Trading zones and interactional expertise.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38.4 (2007): 657-666.
- Delgado, Fernando, Solon Barocas, and Karen Levy. “An uncommon task: Participatory design in legal AI.” Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6.CSCW1 (2022): 1-23.
- Dolan, Brian, and Steven Beitler. “Legislating Medicare Fraud: The Politics of Self-Regulation and the Creation of Professional Standards Review Organizations.” journal of policy history 34.4 (2022): 475-504.
- Feffer, Michael, et al. “From Preference Elicitation to Participatory ML: A Critical Survey & Guidelines for Future Research.” Proceedings of the 2023 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society. 2023.
- Gorman, Michael E. “Levels of expertise and trading zones: A framework for multidisciplinary collaboration.” Social Studies of Science 32.5-6 (2002): 933-938.
- Gregory, Kathleen, et al. “Tracing data: A survey investigating disciplinary differences in data citation.” Quantitative Science Studies (2023): 1-51.
- Guggenheim, Michael, and Jörg Potthast. “Symmetrical twins: On the relationship between Actor-Network theory and the sociology of critical capacities.” European Journal of Social Theory 15.2 (2012): 157-178.
- Kellogg, Katherine C., Wanda J. Orlikowski, and JoAnne Yates. “Life in the trading zone: Structuring coordination across boundaries in postbureaucratic organizations.” Organization science 17.1 (2006): 22-44.
- Marvin, Amy. “Transsexuality, the Curio, and the Transgender Tipping Point.” In Curiosity Studies: Toward a New Ecology of Knowledge. Eds. Perry Zurn and Arjun Shankar. 2020. University of Minnesota Press. 188-208.
- May, Carl, and Tracy Finch. “Implementing, embedding, and integrating practices: an outline of normalization process theory.” Sociology 43.3 (2009): 535-554.
- Smith, Dorothy E. “Texts and the ontology of organizations and institutions.” Studies in cultures, organizations and societies 7.2 (2001): 159-198.