I’ll be giving a talk at Tu Wien in Vienna, Austria, on 28 October covering some of the recent research I’ve been doing. The title is Machinic Medicalisation: The Promise and Peril of Diagnostic AI:
As data stores become larger (and efficient hardware smaller), machine learning systems are increasingly permeating our everyday lives. One area in which scholars from computer science, human-computer interaction and medicine have been focusing is diagnostics: the use of artificial intelligence to classify patients’ medical states and possible conditions. Advocates of these systems argue that it provides doctors with objectivity, reliability and efficiency - but what does it do for the patients? In this talk, drawing on my research into autism diagnostics, I will unpack the longer-term and more structural implications that diagnostic AI has. Further, I will propose alternate ways forward in the integration of artificial intelligence and disability that better attend to the sociotechnical nature of disability.
- Where: Seminarraum Argentinierstraße, Argentinierstrasse 8, ground floor, 1040 Vienna
- When: 28 October 2019, 18:15-19:45
It should be fun! I’m very excited to get to present this stuff, much of it for the first time.