- Upcoming talks! Chicago, Seattle and Chicago again
- New book chapter on 'Data Violence' With the wonderful Kat Cross
- Paul McHugh and the Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic Did McHugh matter?
- Stuff I've been reading (December 2024) New job, new projects
- Stuff I've been reading (December 2024) New job, new projects
- Stuff I've been reading (November 2024) Done dissertating!
- Stuff I've been reading (October 2024) Dissertating...and moving!
- Stuff I've been reading (September 2024) Still dissertating, however
- Stuff I've been reading (August 2024) All writing makes for rare reading
- Stuff I've been reading (July 2024) All writing makes for rare reading
- Updates on papers and presentations A productive summer!
- Presenting: new papers! A few new publications
- Stuff I've been reading (June 2024) All writing makes for rare reading
- New paper on gender-affirming care In the Hastings and everything!
- Stuff I've been reading (May 2024) Ides don't mean idle
- Stuff I've been reading (April 2024) Trans theory, archive theory and other dissertation stuff
- Stuff I've been reading (March 2024) Ides don't mean idle
- New paper 'The Infopolitics of Feeling' With the wonderful Kerry McInerney
- Stuff I've been reading (February 2024) Writing month = slow reading month
- Stuff I've been reading (January 2024) Philosophy, disability and AI
- New year, new paper - this time on trans medicine Dissertation spinoffs
- Stuff I've been reading (December 2023) How is it December?
- Stuff I've been reading (November 2023) I've been doing a lot of writing instead
- Stuff I've been reading (October 2023) I've been doing a lot of writing instead
- Stuff I've been reading (September 2023) I've been doing a lot of writing instead
- Stuff I've been reading (August 2023) I've been doing a lot of writing instead
- Stuff I've been reading (July 2023) I've been doing a lot of writing instead
- Stuff I've been reading (June 2023) This month: political philosophy, design and biomedical ethics
- Stuff I've been reading (May 2023) This month: political philosophy, design and biomedical ethics
- Stuff I've been reading (April 2023) This month: trans theory, medical history and stuff for the class on research methods I'm teaching
- Gender, autism and stretchy bitch syndrome'
- Stuff I've been reading (March 2023) This month: trans studies, healthcare politics and history, critical chicana studies
- Stuff I've been reading (February 2023) This month: medical practice and theory (and history)
- Stuff I've been reading (January 2023) This month: political philosophy, design and biomedical ethics
- New year, new paper, new contradictions
- How (not) to teach the history of research ethics
- Counter-Science before Data Science When does data 'work' for social change - and when does it not? Some examples from trans history
- Stuff I've been reading (December 2022) This month: heavy philosophy, weird philosophy, and heavy, weird philosophy.
- New book chapter, 'Your thoughts for a penny?'
- Stuff I've been reading (November 2022) This month: bioethics, clinical research and my backlog
- On methodologies and microfilms Is perception inherent, or is it trained, and how does one index a microfilm anyway?
- Stuff I've been reading (October 2022) This month: philosophy of medicine, sociology of medicine, and way too many books
- Facial recognition and Hollywood values What does 'representative data' mean, anyway?
- Love is a verb Or: a reconstruction of the speech I gave at my sister's wedding
- Stuff I've been reading (September 2022) This month: social theory, policy and participation, STS and medicine
- Affect as Method Some thoughts on 'feeling fixes'
- Stuff I've been reading (August 2022) This month: medical sociology, phenomenology, STS and trans healthcare
- Stuff I've been reading (July 2022) I read too much
- Stuff I've been reading (June 2022) I read too much
- Stuff I've been reading (May 2022) I read too much
- No Future Imagining beyond critique
- Stuff I've been reading (April 2022) I read too much
- A brief (pre) history of the real life test I read too much
- 'Vulnerability and AI Trust' at TRAIT 2022 new paper!
- HONR 2520 Syllabus (Winter 2022) not exactly the communication of knowledge, but more like stirring the kids up
- Stuff I've been reading (March 2022) I read too much
- Stuff I've been reading (February 2022) I read too much
- Diagnosing diagnosis Medical AI: bad when it doesn't work, worse when it does
- Stuff I've been reading (January 2022) I read too much
- It Doesn't Make Sense to Treat Facebook Like a Public Utility It's an American solution to a global problem
- Stuff I've been reading (December 2021) I read too much
- Stuff I've been reading (November 2021) I read too much
- Some thoughts on Ewan Forbes When is self-identification not?
- Stuff I've been reading (October 2021) I read too much
- Made-up resistance Thoughts on 'CV Dazzle'
- Lessons learned in the pursuit of justice Or: don't get mad, get therapy
- Stuff I've been reading (September 2021) I read too much
- The thought of a lineage is of a lineage Or: why I take academic ancestry seriously
- Adventures in onomastic bureaucracy Name changes and paperwork
- Your anxiety is not (only) about you Some thoughts on anxiety, harm and self-respect
- Stuff I've been reading (August 2021) I read too much
- Trusting algorithms Evading through standardisation
- What Peggy Taught Me Gratitude, reciprocity and feminism
- Recognition and Resonance Thoughts on speaking and relationships
- Stuff I've been reading (July 2021) I read too much
- Interactions/Interdependences Some Thoughts on feminist, anti-racist AI and disability
- 'Making Modern Selves' Syllabus Syllabus from my most recent class at Seattle University
- Stuff I've been reading (June 2021) I read too much
- Stuff I've been reading (May 2021) I read too much
- Stuff I've been reading (April 2021) I read too much
- race, facial recognition and the politics of data I read too much
- Stuff I've been reading (March 2021) I read too much
- Papers ahoy! New publications
- Stuff I've been reading (February 2021) I read too much
- Reflecting on reflexivity Identity, self-disclosure and publications
- Stuff I've been reading (January 2021) I read too much
- Stuff I've been reading (December 2020) I read too much
- Stuff I've been reading (November 2020) I read too much
- Stuff I've been reading (October 2020) I read too much
- Stuff I've been reading (September 2020) I read too much
- Making misrecognition bearable My comments at the Uncertain Archives book launch
- Stuff I've been reading (August 2020) I read too much
- Stuff I've been reading (July 2020) I read too much
- Gender classification and bias mitigation: a post-publication review TL;DR: good intentions, dangerous project
- Who counts? Contact tracing and the perils of ‘privacy’ Race, quantification and inequality
- Stuff I've been reading (June 2020) I read too much
- 'Making the Modern Self' syllabus Teaching at Seattle University
- Surveillance, Stigma & Sociotechnical Design for HIV New First Monday paper
- Miscellaneous essays A linkdump
- Stuff I've been reading (May 2020) I read too much
- Stuff I've been reading (April 2020) I read too much
- Stuff I've been reading (March 2020) I read too much
- Stuff I've been reading (February 2020) I read too much
- Disability and Epistemic Violence in the academy New paper at alt.chi 2020
- Stuff I've been reading (January 2020) I read too much
- Inviters, Read This Things to know about speaking over the next year
- Stuff I've been reading (December 2019) I read too much
- Whose bodies matter? Sex, Gender and Discourse in AI
- Stuff I've been reading (November 2019) I read too much
- Quantifier l’inquantifiable Counting the Countless (now in French)
- Stuff I've been reading (October 2019) I read too much
- Upcoming talk in Vienna TU Wien, 28 October 2019, be there or be...somewhere else?
- The Bones We Leave Behind It’s not enough to make facial recognition illegal when its infrastructural legacy remains
- Recent readings and links (August 2019) Exactly what the title says
- General Exam reading list The committee and reading list for my exam
- MEDS, Drones and Machinic Neoplatonism The inhumanity of data science
- Boycott DataCamp Sexual Assault is not acceptable
- What is 'responsible' in Responsible AI? Google's new ethics committee lacks some vital things. Like ethics.
- Counting the Countless Data, Infrastructure, and Queer Pluralities
- Statement to the WA House of Representatives Testimony on facial recognition
- 'Human-Computer Insurrection' released The second-best anarchist HCI paper
- Ada Lovelace Fellowship awarded I'm as surprised and bowled over as you are
- Counting the Countless: Data, Infrastructure, and Queer Pluralities Upcoming talk at Seattle University
- Gender in HCI Syllabus for my Winter 2018-19 research seminar
- Non-Binary: in trans or alongside trans? The politics of language
- Upcoming talks Google, SDSS and more
- 'Human-Computer Insurrection' accepted to CHI! Towards an anarchist computing?
- November Notes The usual
- Daily Makeup Exactly what it sounds like
- 'The Misgendering Machines' at CSCW 2018 Gender, machine learning and solo authorship
- August Braindump Links, notes, news
- July Braindump Links, notes, news
- Another link roundup What it says on the tin
- More soon, but in the meantime... A braindump while I unwind from grad school
- Link and braindump Things I like/have been reading recently
- Miscellaneous links and notes Braindumping some stuff
- Everywhere You Go, Build A eulogy for my grandmother
- R updates Latest package bumps
- Johnnatan Messias Thinks I Don't Exist How not to write a machine learning paper
- Stop Mapping Names to Gender Not in research. Not in 'inclusion' efforts. Not anywhere. Just stop.
- Building a GCC 7.1 testbed for R Testing against the latest GCC in four easy steps
- piton released on CRAN Parsing Expression Grammars in R
- Behaviour and Community in Open Science Thoughts on good and bad community management
- Using Travis-CI with reticulate Exactly what it says on the tin
- Data Leaks: a Case Study Exploring the Yopify extension vulnerability
- The Case of the Vanishing Log Files Debugging Shiny in Docker Instances
- Guinea Pigs, Guinea Pigs Everywhere I don't REMEMBER planting any rodent seeds...
- Where is Os next? Upcoming conferences
- What do we mean by 'political'? Definitions in a scientific context
- The Revisionism of Andrew Sullivan Jews, inclusion and the price of whiteness
- Registering Routines with Rcpp Handling CRAN's latest requirements
- Mx Smith Goes to Washington Seriously, they let me into an actual university
- Courses, Books and Doctorates Miscellaneous life updates
- Rejected answers to 'why are you interested in our PhD program?' I can post this now I've done all the stages
- Setting a good example Sanitising data one website at a time
- Things US Tech Companies Can Do About Trump What to do when the President-Elect is a satsuma
- Misogyny on Twitter Women are not responsible for most of it, whatever the Daily Mail says
- Ethics, scientific consent and OKCupid When open science goes gross
- Back in the Saddle Returning to R
- An Arbitrary Number of Things Every Data Scientist should Know Pushing back against damaging myths in data science
- Backwards the Foundation On to greener pastures
- Down and Out in Statistical Computing Stepping back from the R community
- Handling multiple types in Rcpp How do you vary output types from compiled code?
- C++ types for R programmers Understanding deques and sets
- I Saw a Rocket Launch (and it was AWESOME) Seriously, I found a good reason to go to Florida
- Why is append() an anti-pattern in R? Memory management and data structures in R and Python
- Numbers are not a universal solution When quantitative research isn't the answer
- Don't Use the Mailing Lists Gripes and grumps about toxicity in the R community
- Paper accepted to WWW 2015 Our session reconstruction paper got accepted!
- Joining Between Databases in Hive Note-to-self because this is more fiddly than it should be
- Art as Data as Art, Part II An (additional) analysis of the Tate Modern's artwork metadata
- Art as Data as Art An analysis of the Tate Modern's artwork metadata
- Philip Roth and Wikipedia Fact-checking Philip Roth's New Yorker letter